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Did You Know?

  • Franklin Park is the geographic center of the city, and a gathering space for communities from Dorchester, Mattapan, Roxbury and JP.

  • For decades, the City of Boston let White Stadium and Franklin Park fall into disrepair, and for decades, we cleaned up the park ourselves.

  • The Franklin Park Action Plan, developed with community input, calls for “investment in Franklin Park to restore the landscape, support park users, and keep the park accessible and welcoming to its neighbors.”

  • The plan to turn White Stadium over to a professional soccer team — which will displace the public from Franklin Park for most Saturdays in the spring and summer, for the next 30 years — was never part of the Action Plan.

  • Private soccer investors want to to make a profit off the renovated White Stadium built on this historic, nationally protected public land.

  • An active legal case seeks to stop the project's attempted privatization of Franklin Park.


Sign Our Statement of Principles for the Improvement of a PUBLIC White Stadium and Franklin Park


We Want A Public White Stadium, Not a For-Profit Sports Complex

We want to see White Stadium renovated as a state-of-the-art public stadium

  • Student-focused improvements at White Stadium are long overdue

  • ​Use the $50 million in city funds already set aside for White Stadium

We don’t want a professional soccer stadium that will:

  • Displace Boston residents from Franklin Park on 20 warm-weather weekends

  • Prioritize private profit for soccer investors over the needs of Boston families

  • Generate immense traffic gridlock from 10,000+ attendees, leading to life-threatening
    delays to EMS/fire response

  • Produce noise, air and light pollution that will destroy Franklin Park as a natural

  • Displace Boston Public Schools football teams from their home stadium.

We have NOT seen:

  • Full plans for the stadium

  • A lease agreement between the City and the private soccer investors

  • A feasible, realistic transportation plan

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